Thursday, January 14, 2010

Morning Rites

How I know I am awake.
1) Eyes must remain open for more than 5 minutes -
More than a trip to the bathroom.
2)Then the coffee grinder's harsh jolt
That crunching, gravely noise
And hot sauna steam.
I may then be able to muddle though the day -
tilting slowly - acting out motions long ago
tucked into my being.

I weave my hands around many things
in the drunken hours of morning
as if putting incantations on them
(the stove, the kitchen chairs, the fridge)
mumbling diligently to myself
to coax my mind from slumber,
to convince myself that this day
is worth being awake.


HJMead87 said...

Did you write this or is it a quote. I like.

Aubrey said...

I wrote it. Thanks. It was just an I-don't-want-to-wake-up-this-morning poem (if such a classification exists.)