Sunday, March 7, 2010

Head bent listening to the chatter
of an accumulation of sounds:
the indecipherable murmur of a million voices,
the shuffle of two million feet,
clicks, slurs, falsetto laughs
blurring into a mechanical whole,
people pressing towards intricate images
sated by white wine and their own sophistical savvy.
Eyes drawn fervently round,
land locked in the sea of faces
you lapse into thought, unfettered by time
in the glorious anonymity of the crowd.
White washed walls linger in your brain
beige blemishes obscuring the calm clean,
and a hesitant memory; street corners
heavy with nostalgia, rain stained, quiet.
You are obese with longing,
gorged on the hallucination of contentment.
You walk past darkened alleys
swept into a persistent dream,
the bauble that is the white moon blurred
by the streaked film of clouds,
vacant hooked doorways looming,
the hint of unknowable secrets
collecting at your elbows,
and then a wine glass shatters
and you return to muted reality, disappointed.

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